Dentistry is a branch of medicine that encompasses several areas of specialty, including surgery, cosmetic, restorative, orthodontics, enododontics and more. In this post, we take a closer look at endodontic procedure as an option and whether your dentist in Phoenix, AZ is right to recommend this to you.
An endodontist is a dentist who specializes with diseases of the dental pulp, root and surrounding tissues. Such professionals perform a variety of procedures such as endodontic therapy (root canal therapy), surgery, endodontic retreatment, and treatment of dental trauma. They have advanced surgical and nonsurgical skills that allow them to perform specialized procedures to treat complex dental problems. After completing their degree in dentistry, they undergo two to three more years of intensive education that focuses more on endodontic science and treatment.
So the questions is, “When is an endodontic procedure needed?” Simply, this treatment in necessary when there is an inflammation or infection of the dental pulp (consisting of nerve tissues, blood vessels and connective tissues). Infection, inflammation or damage to the pulp may be due to several causes such as decay, chipped or cracked teeth, and repeated dental procedures. Damage to the pulp when left untreated may lead to formation of abscess with the following signs: pain, sensitivity to cold and hot food and drinks, tooth discoloration, and gum swelling and tenderness. At times, it comes with no sign or symptom.
In an endodontic procedure, your qualified dentist will remove the infected or inflamed pulp. He cleans and shapes the inside portion, then fills and seals it. During the next scheduled visit, other restoration procedures such as the placement of a crown is done to protect and restore the tooth to its optimum functioning. A tooth that is fully restored can last as long as your other natural teeth. This, however, depends if the treatment does not fail. In the slight chance that the treatment does not heal completely and leads to the decay of the tooth, another endodontic procedure is done.
There are, however, certain cases where an endodontic procedure may not be able to save a tooth, including: inaccessible root canal, severely fractured root, lack of adequate support, and others. In this case, an endodontic surgery may be the best option.
Root-end resection or apicoectomy is the most common type of endodontic surgery. In this procedure, the endodontist removes the infected tissues in the root, which is achieved by opening the gum tissue near the affected tooth. The very end of the root is also removed and replaced with a small filling to seal the canal. Most patients who undergo this procedure may actually resume their normal routine after 24 hours.
Your endodontist in Phoenix, AZ may, however, present another alternative when the tooth damage is extensive – tooth extraction. The extracted tooth is then replaced with a bridge or an implant, but take note that this is not a natural set. Depending on your case, this may be a bit costly and may also require other dental procedures and even surgery. Always consult with your dentist to know the best treatment for you, but keep in mind that endodontic procedure is a great option.