If you struggle with any signs of jaw problems, such as pain, clicking or popping, you don’t have to suffer needlessly. Our team of TMJ dentists at Sky Dental can help.
What is TMJ?
According to MouthHealthy.org, your temporomandibular joint, or TMJ, is the hinge that connects your movable lower jaw to your fixed upper one. The joint moves in front of your ear. This joint moves in multiple ways, including up and down and from side to side.
The symptoms of temporomandibular disorders can include anything from painless popping and clicking to pain when chewing. Inflammation of tissue inside the joint can lead to severe headaches, pain in the joint or swelling of your face. Your jaw may also lock open or closed. Since the first problems patients notice are dental ones, it is typical to start at your Sky Dental office to get an understanding of the problem and to find TMJ treatment.
TMJ Treatment
A dentist with expertise in temporomandibular joint disorders can confirm that you have problems with the joint via a dental exam. They may also want to take x-rays. Such a dentist can lessen your discomfort and symptom severity with the addition of a mouth guard for TMJ. These simple, but effective devices reduce bite stress and lessen the strain on the joint.
In addition to a mouth guard to reduce further damage, your dentist will need to assess the condition of your teeth. If you’ve been grinding your teeth for an extensive period of time, they may be damaged through wear or chipping. Your TMJ specialist can determine the best method of moving forward to protect the remaining surface of your teeth and reduce jaw stress.
How Can You Get TMJ
Temporomandibular joint disorders can develop over time. They can also be caused by whiplash, a severe blow to the face, genetic considerations, or arthritis. If you suffer a blow to the face or develop whiplash after a car wreck, it’s a good idea to get assessed for a TMJ disorder. Grinding or clenching your teeth, often an unconscious habit, is a major reason that many people suffer from TMJ.
Also, if you suffer from tinnitus or any other problems related to the ear, such as balance, remember that the temporomandibular joint is directly in front of the ear. Inflammation in the jaw could be putting pressure on the inner ear, causing debilitating problems in hearing and maintaining your balance.
TMJ Dentistry
Your dentist can determine the severity of your TMJ problems by watching your bite, feeling the jaw joint as you move your jaw up and down, and watching how your muscles act as you bite down. If you’ve been clenching your jaw tightly enough to alter the function of the joint, you likely have very strong and prominent jaw muscles.
This clenching is a habit that can be reduced through awareness. You can also reduce stress on your jaw with a mouth guard for TMJ designed by a dentist with a deep knowledge of both teeth and jaw alignment. New patient specials save you money at our Sky Dental offices.
Schedule an Appointment with a TMJ Specialist
Early TMJ treatment will include an assessment of the condition of your teeth. You may need an anti-inflammatory medication to reduce the current inflammation and a follow-up appointment to determine the severity of the condition. Our TMJ dental team is ready to help you move forward with a healthy jaw alignment.
If TMJ symptoms are plaguing you, your Sky Dental TMJ dentist and support team are here to help. Call now for an appointment.