Guide to Dental Trauma: How Your Endodontist in Phoenix Helps!

Trauma to the teeth often occur as a result of sports-related injuries or other accidents. The most common of these traumatic dental injures is chipped teeth, while the less frequent are knocked-out or dislodged teeth but are more serious. Dentists in Phoenix will tell you that any dental injury, no matter how mild it is, […]
Triclosan in Colgate Total – Is it Safe?

Recently, one of the world’s most popular toothpastes, Colgate Total, has come under major scrutiny over health concerns related to one of its active ingredients – Triclosan. Despite having been available in the market for 17 years, providing consumers protection against plaque and gingivitis, such issue that takes on health is not something that people […]
Choosing a Way to Healthier Oral Cavity: Preventive Measures for Gingivitis

Gingivitis is the kind of gum disease you do not really want to have. This condition will inflame your gums, making it red and extremely sensitive. Yes, it is not that serious—yet. You might not even be aware of it, but it is very important for you to have it identified by your dentists in […]
Got Braces? Keep these Things in Mind!

Oral hygiene and proper care is not just about making your teeth look neat and pretty. More importantly, taking care of your oral cavity is the key to shun dental problems such as tartars, gingivitis and demineralization. Because of the fact that proper oral care is much more delicate and difficult with braces, brace wearers […]
Four Things to Know Before Undergoing a Dental Implant Procedure

Many people deem a dental implant to be the better choice over other procedures such as a dental bridge because it necessitates lesser maintenance. Even so, at the end of the day, dental implants are a surgical process so it should be handled by a professional dentist in Phoenix. In addition, you should also research […]